What is NAIDOC Week and what can you do to support it?

Business Chicks is forever committed to supporting Indigenous people in whatever way we can and continue to ‘do the work’ to ensure we use our platform to give voices to those who may not have the same reach as we do. 

This NAIDOC week, we’ve decided to use our voice to share a collection of articles to help inform those of you who are unfamiliar with what NAIDOC is or stands for, as well as shine a light on the incredible work Indigenous businesses are creating. For those non-Indigenous individuals, it is paramount that we continue to seek out resources to educate ourselves on how we can be allies to our Indigenous brothers and sisters and take responsibility for our own journey of discovery into the world’s oldest living culture. 

So, here is a little bit about what NAIDOC week is and why we celebrate it to kick off our content series this week. 

What does NAIDOC stand for? 

NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. 

What is NAIDOC week? 

In the first full week of July, this year running from 3rd to 10th July, Australians celebrate NAIDOC; a time to recognise and appreciate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements. It's also an opportunity to reflect on some of the challenges that Indigenous Australians continue to face today. NAIDOC week is a time to recognise the contributions of Indigenous Australians, as well as celebrate their cultures, languages and heritage. 

NAIDOC is celebrated by Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians alike. 

NAIDOC is a time to celebrate the history and culture of Indigenous Australians. It's also a time to reflect on the past and look to the future. 

The week can be traced back to the Aboriginal rights movement on Australia Day in 1938. On this day, protesters marched through Sydney demanding better treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. This protest was actually one of the first major civil rights gatherings in the world and it became known as the “Day of Mourning”.  

Between the years of 1940 and 1955, the “Day of Mourning” was held each year on the Sunday before Australia Day, however, in 1955, it was decided that Aborigines Day shouldn’t focus solely on what was lost, but the rich culture, heritage and achievement that remained. 

What is this year’s NAIDOC theme? 

NAIDOC week is a time to celebrate Indigenous culture and heritage. This year’s theme is, ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ It is important that non-Indigenous individuals continue to ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’ and support both our Indigenous brothers and sisters as well as fight for systemic change. 

I’m non-Indigenous and want to show my support this NAIDOC week- what can I do? 

Great question! There are lots of ways you can help show your support this NAIDOC week and here are just a few: 

The journey of learning is never over, but with each single step, we move towards a more informed, educated and accepting country. 


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