One Member’s Journey To Getting Her First Book Published

After five long years, I’ve just published my debut women’s contemporary fiction, “Happiest in Denial”. After many hours of re-writes, editing and more re-writes it was finally ready for publishing!  

I was lucky to find a publisher that I work well with and who is also very knowledgeable about the industry. With his contacts, we were able to get my manuscript edited, organise a book cover and get my novel published, but it wasn’t an easy process.

My novel went through structural editing, copy/proof editing and line editing. Not to mention, the numerous girlfriends I asked to read and offer their opinions. In total, more than five sets of eyes looked at my manuscript and at times I found it frustrating, but I took their feedback on board and reduced my word count from over 110,000 words to just over 85,000.

In the beginning, it also took me a while to grasp “the show, don’t tell” principle. Initially, I was doing too much telling, then I went the other way, with too much showing, now there is a nice equilibrium. As an author there is only so much you can do, and you hope that you get your point across and that it works.

We settled on a book cover, which I think looks intriguing, and I hope you do too. Then came the release to the public- I think I chewed my fingernails down to the quick. Daunting thoughts danced around in my head like ‘will it be well received?’ and 'will it be criticised?’ So far, I have had nothing but positive reviews, with readers understanding what it is that I am trying to achieve. Big air high five to myself! 

But this is just the beginning, it’s not over yet! The next phase is marketing. If I thought the hardest part was over, I was wrong. My book is available for purchase, but if people don’t know about it then it won’t sell! Marketing my novel is a full-time job. I hope my story resonates with many and that they then share it with the women in their lives so that it grows organically, and as a fellow Business Chick, I need your help! So, if you want an educational and entertaining read? Why not buy your copy today?


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